Back to home link FeedDialogParams

Params that can be passed when creating a Feed dialog.

Param Type Details
from (optional) string

The ID of the person posting the message. If this is unspecified, it defaults to the current person. If specified, it must be the ID of the person or of a page that the person administers.

to (optional) string

The ID of the profile that this story will be published to. If this is unspecified, it defaults to the value of from. The ID must be a friend who also uses your app.

link (optional) string

The link attached to this post. With the Feed Dialog, people can also share plain text status updates with no content from your app; just leave the link parameter empty.

picture (optional) string

The URL of a picture attached to this post. The picture must be at least 200px by 200px. See our documentation on sharing best practices for more information on sizes

source (optional) string

The URL of a media file (either SWF or MP3) attached to this post. If SWF, you must also specify picture to provide a thumbnail for the video.

name (optional) string

The name of the link attachment.

caption (optional) string

The caption of the link (appears beneath the link name). If not specified, this field is automatically populated with the URL of the link.

description (optional) string

The description of the link (appears beneath the link caption). If not specified, this field is automatically populated by information scraped from the link, typically the title of the page.

ref (optional) string

This argument is a comma-separated list, consisting of at most 5 distinct items, each of length at least 1 and at most 15 characters drawn from the set '0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_'. Each category is used in Facebook Insights to help you measure the performance of different types of post