

Property Attribute Description Type Default
color color Background color. Defaults to 'primary' string \| undefined 'primary'
scrollable scrollable Whether the toolbar is scrollable. Defaults to false. boolean false
scrollablePadding scrollable-padding If scrollable is set to true, there will be an added padding to the left of the buttons. Setting this property to false will remove that padding. The padding is also configurable via a CSS variable. boolean true
showIndicator show-indicator Whether to show the indicator. Defaults to true boolean true


Event Description Type
buttonClick Emits an event when a button is clicked Event data contains the clicked SuperTabButton component CustomEvent<HTMLSuperTabButtonElement>

CSS Custom Properties

Name Description
--st-indicator-color Indicator color. Defaults to --ion-color-contrast.
--st-indicator-height Indicator height. Defaults to 2px.
--st-scrollable-toolbar-padding-left Left padding when scrollable is set to true. Defaults to 52px.
--super-tabs-toolbar-background Toolbar background color. Defaults to --ion-color-base.


Depends on


graph TD;
  super-tabs-toolbar --> super-tab-indicator
  style super-tabs-toolbar fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

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