

Property Attribute Description Type Default
activeTabIndex active-tab-index Initial active tab index. Defaults to 0. number 0
config Global Super Tabs configuration. This is the only place you need to configure the components. Any changes to this input will propagate to child components. SuperTabsConfig \| undefined undefined


Event Description Type
tabChange Tab change event. This event fires up when a tab button is clicked, or when a user swipes between tabs. The event will fire even if the tab did not change, you can check if the tab changed by checking the changed property in the event detail. CustomEvent<SuperTabChangeEventDetail>


selectTab(index: number, animate?: boolean, emit?: boolean) => Promise<void>

Set the selected tab. This will move the container and the toolbar to the selected tab.


Type: Promise<void>

setConfig(config: SuperTabsConfig) => Promise<void>

Set/update the configuration


Type: Promise<void>

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