

Property Attribute Description Type Default
disabled disabled Whether the button is disabled boolean false

CSS Custom Properties

Name Description
--st-base-color-active base color for active buttons. Defaults to --ion-color-contrast.
--st-base-color-inactive base color for inactive buttons. Defaults to rgba(var(--ion-color-contrast-rgb), 0.7)
--st-icon-color-active active icon color. Defaults to var(--st-base-color-active)
--st-icon-color-inactive inactive icon color. Defaults to var(--st-base-color-inactive)
--st-icon-size icon size. Defaults to 24px.
--st-label-color-active active label color. Defaults to var(--st-base-color-active)
--st-label-color-inactive inactive label color. Defaults to var(--st-base-color-inactive)
--st-label-font-size Font size of the label. Defaults to 14px.
--st-label-font-weight Font weight of the label. Defaults to 500
--st-label-height label height. Defaults to 14px
--st-label-line-height label line height. Defaults to 14px
--st-label-padding-bottom label padding bottom. Defaults to 16px
--st-label-text-transform Text transformation to apply to the label text. Defaults to uppercase.

Built with StencilJS